
promophile. projects.


The art is to turn a give-away into a grab-away. The one you give and nobody wants it, the other one is torn from your hand. A lot of fans, a lot of honor.
That’s why: Plectron instead of a shopping trolley chip with logo on it, mini skateboard with deck made of multilayer wood instead of plastic buzzing, sweatband made of cotton instead of polyester — RocknRoll doesn’t work with half a lung. 




The Min-Max-Principle — minimum budget with maximum advertising impact and scattering range, yeah.

More Special Projects & Merchandise like the Star-Chevron-Collection for Converse?

Have you seen the Born-In-Tokyo-Collection für Edwin yet?
Or something ittybitty, but at least as bold as his big brother:  MiniChucks for Converse?

Or in the end a cosy cup of coffee with milk and a lively chat about your own ideas and projects?